• Sanipac Eugene Garbage Service Bio Medical
Sanipac now takes 1 and 2 type plastic recycling.

Curbside Recycling Pickup

Eugene, Springfield, Veneta, and Creswell commingle recycling pickup

We offer a blue 95 gallon cart for curbside comingle recycling service in the city limits of Springfield and Eugene. Recycling is picked up on an every other week schedule.

We also offer a 14 gallon blue box for glass recycling, picked up on the same schedule as your recycling.

sanipac residential recycling services

Recycling outside of the city limits

Please contact the office for recycling services specific to your address.

What can I recycle?

Only the following clean items are accepted in your blue 95 gallon commingle recycling cart:

*NEW* Plastic – All #1 and #2 plastics in the shape of a bottle, jug, or jar that’s larger than a tennis ball.
*NEW* Cardboard – flattened, and empty pizza boxes (excludes waxed cardboard and frozen foods packaging)
Paper – newspapers, phonebooks, magazines, junk mail and computer paper.
Metal – food and beverage containers.

Only clean, unbroken glass bottles or jars are accepted in your blue 14 gallon glass recycle box.

Check out the Waste Wizard for additional local recycling or disposal options.

Need to recycle more? Check out our new RecyclePlus program!

RecyclePlus is a special door-to-door collection program available in the City of Eugene that allows additional items to be recycled. Click to learn more.

Commingle Recycling Guidelines
Common Recycling Contaminants

Download the free
Sanipac App to get
customized recycle
pickup reminders.